Thee Only Cleanser

Scripture Reading - Revelation 1:5 KJV

And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

As Sons and Daughters of God we must remember that we are to wholeheartedly represent God in this earth. As it has been said, “we are ambassadors of Christ visiting this earth for a short season (only a lifetimes) when compared to eternity.”-Refer to 2 Corinthians 5:20 In Christ Jesus everything is pure and clean, therefore we prefer to have everything pure and clean around us. Our Heavenly nature, which we received directly from God through His Grace, makes us crave holiness. This new nature would prefer for the atmosphere around us to be sinless but it also delights in being surrounded by a company of holy good people too. Yes, the day will come when we get to Heaven or when Heaven comes to the earth (after the Lord returns) but we are definitely not there today. Therefore we, as Christians, must not be frustrated to look upon sin knowing that we are living in a world full of sin. If (and when) we do look upon the dirtiness of sin we must remember not to despise the person involved with the sin but rather be in a position of love to refer them to “Thee Only Cleanser” Jesus Christ. This needs to be taught and clearly understood because many Christians are OK with dealing with people who are sinners that are not close to them but when considering the people that are close to them it is not as easy to walk in complete forgiveness with them. Yes, as today’s scriptures states that Jesus and Our Heavenly Father loved us first and with our permission He (Jesus) washed us from our filthiness of sin in His Own Precious Blood. Therefore we too should be like minded in the sense of loving people first because that will give us the right heart to point them to our All Loving Heavenly Father. The good news (gospel) of the Lord Jesus Christ is not one of only salvation but it also includes the primary emphasis of God’s Great Love for you and your family. Remember John 3:16 KJV, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is foundational for Christianity because being saved from Hell is great but it would be very uncomfortable (awkward) living with a God who really didn’t love us. It is said, “That we will know how much you love us by the measure of how good you treat us.” This statement is true because the scripture states in Romans 2:4b paraphrased “that the goodness of God leads us to repentance”. So this concept is not a matter of opinion but it is rather an issue of heart. Either we have the heart of God or we don’t because the people close to us will definite see our heart whether we like it or not. Yes, many, we (ihlcc) say again many, children of God become angry, frustrated, disappointed and flat put out when it comes to family members or close love ones who are not openly living for Jesus in biblical righteousness. They expect because they are living in holiness everyone they care about (around them) should be living in that same holiness too. Although that thought does sound comforting to the hopeful mind it is not promised by God’s Word for all believers. As a matter of fact it is quite the contrary because the Lord encourages us to walk in complete love with all people around us and then let His Love (that we are displaying) be a leading light to draw others into Christ Jesus, Thee Way, Thee Truth and Thee Light. This is God’s Will and His Purposefully Planned out design but one problem we (ihlcc) see quite commonly is that many Believers let their frustration and anger about the situation show out over God’s Love. Yes, this is a huge problem because if people see your fleshly nature as paramount over God’s Holy Pure Love they will not see the Love of God in practical application. If this happens the sinner (family member, close friend, employee, etc…) will probably be more inclined to move anyway from God rather than toward Him. In our own experience we can share that the pure and sincere motives of love shown in our (ihlcc) life toward sinners and saints was way better (a thousand time better) than the insincere words of, “You need be saved and get right with God”. The key is people desperately need to hear from God for themselves but if your harsh words of disappointment are clouding their thoughts they will not hear God’s soft loving voice from within but rather your loud voice from without. We Christians are supposed to be imitators of Christ Jesus who came to this earth to die for wicked sinners (whom we have been in times pass). So never be upset or downcast from those around you who practice sin as a lifestyle but rather be joyful in Christ because the joy of the Lord is our strength. Most definitely you are going to need strength in dealing with the children of this world and you must demonstrate God’s love on a consistent basis to them. The faithful and good believer will love the offensive person in meekness and tenderness when dealing with the ungodly behavior. We are not saying to let them walk over you but be simple and firm while being peaceful and consistent when issues of dispute arise. (Tip: The less speaking and preaching against them the better, please keep thy words to a few.) Dear believer God is “Thee Only Cleanser” so know that since He Is the only one who can spiritually remove sin in the perfect way (His Way and in His Light) we should not try to remove sin ourselves with a bunch of laws (rules) or threats (ungodly promises). While dealing with a sinner the fruit of the spirit speaks volumes without words and showing God’s Love can accomplish more than you ever could with carnal reasonings and traditional habits past down from previous generations. We all should believe that God is perfect and His Methods are perfect too. Therefore, we must purpose to do things His Way without interfering in His Work. Remember, if the sinner sees your godly love first they will then be in a good position to see God’s Love working through you later. Please understand that Jesus (Crimson) Christ is “Thee Only Cleanser” of all sin stains that is guaranteed for life! The Lord Jesus is not just “The Only Cleanser” for your life but all life upon this sin stained earth including your loved ones and people close to you. So be humble before God by realizing that sinners will sin while true Christian lovers will love. We (ihlcc) are hoping by now that you know (not hope) that your Godly Light of Love will win out over their worldly thoughts (mind set) of darkness simply because we know Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. “Thee Only Cleanser” is the Blood of Jesus Christ so please don’t let your earthly frustrations dim Heaven’s Loving view of God our Father and His Precious Love for all people upon this earth. Remember if there is ever a time to seek for salvation for others it must be the same time to love those same others too. Amen!